This is a known Intel issue: Where the AE algorithm does not have sufficient data to correctly expose the first frame(s) as such the first frames are typically overexposed.

Framos cameras implement the camera front end which includes the ISP functionality. There is a work around for USB cameras but the Framos D400e cameras do not support metadata, so that approach will not work.
We do not have a direct solution but the use of software triggering is an 'avenue of investigation' As theoretically the camera is in operation continuously but only sends the next available image/depth data when requested.

To enable software triggering in the RealSense viewer, please connect to the camera but do not start a stream expand the control setting menu.
locate and;

1, Change the 'inter cam sync mode' to 3
2, Change the Ext Trigger Source to Software trigger

Start the stream and select/re-select 'Trigger' from the software trigger drop down to 'request a frame' 

The Software Trigger All Sensors option is to sync the RGB at the same time (you will also need to enable the mode in the RGB control menu)

I have tried this ' a lot' and have not seen a single poorly exposed frame (in my static scene). You can of course implement all this functionality and configuration programmatically.