The following guideline shows how to debug FSM ecosystem products on Nvidia platforms. Note that this is tested with IMX415 on Jetson TX2. Please make sure hardware is properly connected with no physical damages before proceeding.

1. Check kernel information:

uname -a

    We should see FRAMOS custom kernel installed.

2. Check driver installation:

apt list --installed | grep framos*

    We should see framos common driver and sensor specific drivers installed; libsv will also appear when installed.

3. Check if device tree and drivers are loaded correctly with dmesg:

dmesg | grep imx415*

    For example, here’s the dmesg output when two IMX415 modules are connected.

    You can also check for available video devices:

ls /dev/video*

4. Check i2c communication:

cat /sys/class/video4linux/video0/name

    We can use this command to inquire the i2cbus and chip address of a sensor module. For example, below output indicate the /dev/video0 is on i2cbus 30 with chip address 1a.

i2cdetect -y -r 30

    Use i2cdetect command to check for connected devices on a specific i2c bus. For example, on bus 30 we have connected device at address 54 and 55(on-board EEPROM address), while the ‘UU’ indicates a device is in use by the kernel.

    Note some FSM, FSA or FPA do not have EEPROM. Results may vary depending on hardware. If EEPROMs are present, typically their addresses range from 0x54 to 0x57. 

5. Run test application such as streaming with v4l2:

    A simple streaming command can be:

v4l2-ctl -d /dev/video0 --stream-mmap

    To acquire and save raw images:

v4l2-ctl -d /dev/video0 --stream-mmap --stream-skip=5 --stream-count=1 –stream-to="filename".raw

If you have issues working with the above steps, please provide the terminal output when reporting to [email protected].